Car Cup Holder for the Apple iPod touch - Gomadic Brand

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Just because you're Dad is an adult doesn't mean he doesn't like toys. The only difference is his toys are usually found in the electronics or automotive section of the store. Below are some great gift ideas for Men who need some fun with grown up toys and to bring out the kid in your Dad!

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Best Toys for Grown Ups-Electronic Gift Ideas for Dads

A great Christmas gift for your Dad that could also be considered a toy is a new cell phone, iPod, or an e-reader. Your Dad might feel like a kid on Christmas morning if you give him the latest cell phone that is full of apps, games, and everything he needs to keep himself entertained with a phone.

An Ipod is another one of the best Christmas gifts for Dad that he can have so much fun with. With the latest version of the Ipod, the Apple iPod touch 32 GB (4th Generation). He can download music, movies, and more with his iPod while also having a basic web browser on it. It has a built in digital cameras for the front and the back, so with the 4th Generation iPod you could be giving him an iPod and a digital camera at the same time!

If your Dad loves to read then a great grown up toy could be an e-reader. The Kindle, The Nook, and the Ipad are three great e-readers that make perfect gifts for Dad. Some e-readers allow you to not only download movies, but also allow you to download magazines as well! E-readers are one of the top holiday gifts for Dads and all grown-ups!

Best Toys for Grown Up-Automotive Gift Ideas for Dad

Want to give your Dad a cool toy for his car? If so, a nice GPS navigation system may be a great Christmas gift for Dad. The Garmin Nuvi 255w Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator is a hot item. Not only will he never be lost again, it has simple controls, clear and concise turn by turn directions, displays the posted speed limit on the road which you are currently on several more features.

Finding the best Christmas gift for Dad can be hard; but if you want to bring the kid out in your Dad then I suggest some of the gift ideas listed above. Grown up toys are some of the top holiday gifts for Men and are easy to find. Just head to the electronics or automotive section and be amazed at the gadgets that will make perfects gifts for Dad and the unique gift ideas to bring out the kid in your Dad.

Bring Out the Kid in Dad for Christmas With the Best Toys for Grown Ups

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

1) Introduction

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Years and years ago, as payMent for a consulting Job, I got an early NCR laptop. I bought a HUGE briefcase to hold the thing. Ever since then I've been on a quest to pack a complete office into a single, easy-to-tote bag. Not a laptop bag or briefcase or tote with wheels and a handle - a simple shoulder or messenger bag. This is how I did it - with some ideas on how you can too.

2) Goals for my "system in a bag"

Web Access

What I wanted to be able to do was access the web and email from almost anywhere. While I realize this probably doesn't include the Gobi desert, I wanted to work MOST places where cell phone coverage can be had. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was moving into the "cloud"; I've found that I do more and more of my work in web-based applications. The main benefit is the ability to move from Computer to Computer without having to carry files with me.

Local Access

Obviously, I need access to files locally - both on a spinning hard drive and on various USB drives. Again the goal - never lose access to files no matter where you are. If I was writing an article and left it on my desktop; forgetting to copy it to a card or memory stick, I was out of luck till I got back home.


My friend Mike James has hammered security into me over the years. If I was access to email or file transfer, it had to be safe and secure. Information needed to be shared as necessary, but at other times files needed to go back and forth securely.


Web access includes access to g-talk from Google as well as the possibility of web-based phone, though I don't use that yet. I wanted to be able to stay in touch with the world from whatever machine I was on.


I'm trying SO hard to eliminate paper. The PC I've chosen has a touch screen, but I'm not fully using it. DocuMents I use are more and more in PDF, Word, or even Google Doc format. I wanted to reach the point where I didn't even need to take notes using pen and ink. I'm close, but as you'll see, there's still a step further I hope to go.


I'm a 'sometimes' Speaker and presenter, so I wanted access to PowerPoint if needed. I also wanted to have the ability to make web presentations even if I didn't have access to laptops, CDs or thumb drives.

File backup

Being somewhat paranoid, I want copies of copies of copies of important stuff. Some onsite, some offsite. This solution has to offer ways to save and access files remotely. What else needs to be said? If you've ever lost a hard drive, scratched a CD or lost a portable drive or thumb drive, you KNOW the pain of not having a backup.

3) Equipment

I chose equipment I could afford that met the criteria of multi-functionality and portability. There are multiple ways to do what I have done with different equipment; I'm simply outlining the categories of equipment and software that will allow you to work anywhere.


UMPC is an acronym for Ultra Mobile PC and stands for any extremely lightweight PC. For that matter, my Palm Treo SmartPhone could count as a UMPC. The point is to have a small, easy-to-carry PC that will function long periods on battery power. Since most of us huddle over a desktop or laptop PC all day, doesn't it make sense to have one that doesn't require a separate, heavy-duty wheeled tote to carry around?

Fujitsu P1610

The 1610 is a small, light Windows PC with built-in WIFI and a PC card slot which I use for the Verizon mobile broadband card. It also has an SD storage card slot which allows me to interchange the data files in my Treo and Exilim digital camera. The main downside is the smaller keyboard since I have large hands, but I've learned to cope.

The 60 GB drive is more than adequate since most of my storage is remote; the extended battery gives me over 3 hours of use. There is no CD drive, but I can copy things to the hard drive or my external 120 GB USB drive. This device is the beginning "platform" on which the overall system is built.

Windows Smartphone

Why a Windows Smartphone? Why not Symian, Palm or Blackberry? Mainly because I'm already comfortable with Windows and, no matter what you think of Microsoft, Windows and Windows Mobile "play well together". Windows Mobile offers email, Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as calendaring, contacts, etc. And later you'll see that I've incorporated (free) software that allows me to mostly eliminate handwritten notes.

Palm Treo 750

The Treo has become my "mobile Computer" in many ways. It is a bit bulky, but the battery lasts a long time and it's taken many drops. With a 4 GB SD card (posTAGe-sized card with 4 gigabytes of storage space) installed I have tons of storage space. I have music, podcasts, and books from

The phone has mobile-sync enabled which means that my email is checked automatically and "pushed" to the phone.

An enormously useful tool is having Word Mobile. I can read and edit documents or open text files that I might need. But if I get an idea for a blog post or an article, I can call up Word and thumb-type, then choose "send as email". The mail client comes up and I choose my Gmail account.

Later, when I check Gmail from a "real" computer, I can choose to open the note "open as Google document" and there it is. This has eliminated handwriting notes - in fact it's eliminated a LOT of handwriting altogether.

Windows Mobile has Windows Media Player. This means I have all my music and audio on the 4 GB SD card. Combined with a set of Etymotic earphones, Windows Media allows me to listen to music or audiobooks or podcasts anywhere. An additional benefit - if a phone call comes in while I'm listening, WMP pauses and I answer the call. The microphone is active even with the earphones in so I can talk and listen - when the call completes, the music starts back up right where it paused.

Since I have a dataplan from my cell phone carrier, I can access my Google account and use a separate free program called GooSync to sync my Google calendar to my phone. The upshot is that I can make an appointment from any browser using Google Calendar and hit a button on my SmartPhone to show that new event on the phone - and even have it send me reminders!


I started out with a messenger bag, but have graduated to a shoulder laptop. The point here is to have EVERYTHING you need to get work done in one bag. A shoulder Backpack has literally become my mobile office holder. I recommend a single sling-type bag or the slightly geekier over the shoulder, plastic clip type that lets you take it off and put it on more easily.

Digital Camera

I am currently using a Casio Exilim digital camera for its small size. Again, the key to data portability is the SD storage card. My Fujitsu Lifebook UMPC has an SD card slot so I can copy pictures and videos to the PC and from there upload them to Gspace or Strongspace (more on these later) or simply email them or post them to Facebook.

I did say video; most digital cameras will shoot video. The Exilim, being a little older, shoots AVI (lower resolution) video. Most new cameras shoot MPEG files which are higher resolution.

So keeping a small digital camera has allowed me to catch things I wouldn't otherwise. It may not seem to be part of an "office", but since you are mobile it pays to keep a camera for other reasons. The Casio has photography modes that let me shoot up real close so I can take pictures of business cards or handwritten notes on a napkin. Again, the point is to eliminate handwriting as much as possible.

On a side note; how often I'm working at a Starbucks or somewhere similar and see others with their laptops open and a notebook and pen next to it. Going digital can eliminate the paper - or at least that's MY goal!

High Capacity SD cards

I've mentioned SD (Secure Digital) cards several times. These are posTAGe sized memory cards that are used in most cameras and phones today. They are available in sizes up to 16 GB (!) which is a LOT of data storage.

It means local storage and easy file copying. I have a 256 MB card in my camera and 4 GB card in my phone. Picture a teeny tiny hard drive that swaps easily.

High Quality earphones

These are important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, they Plug into the Smartphone for listening to music or audio AND they also allow you to take phone calls and hear the call in both ears. This ability is HUGE if you are in the car.

Because most phones use a 2.5 mm jack and the headphones have a 3.5 mm jack, you'll need an adapter. I have no need of a separate media player (iPod or other) as the Treo using Windows Media Player will playback music, podcasts or even YouTube or other video.

Mobile Broadband Card

Mobile Broadband is a fancy way of saying that you're connected to the Internet via the cell phone network. These cards are available from all cell vendors but - be warned - you'll need a 'data plan' from your vendor and, depending on how much you intend to use your mobile setup, it may get a bit pricey.

Realize also that mobile broadband is NOT as Fast as your DSL or cable. Don't plan on downloading large movies, but you can do almost anything else that you would do on a networked PC.

The mobile broadband card lets you work wherever you have a cell signal - it keeps you from having to pay for WiFi at a coffee shop or the Airport.

USB hard drive

USB-attached hard drives have gotten smaller in size and larger in capacity. Used as a backup device and for extra storage, you can get a 500 GB drive for around 0. Again, you can never have too much closet space or too many digital storage devices!

4) Services

The wonder of each of these is, except for my web-based storage, free! The idea is to be able to do ANYTHING you can do sitting in a well-equipped office.

Web-based storage

With high capacity SD cards and USB-attached hard drives, what do you need with web-based storage? Because you never, never know when your mobile drives might go missing. I have a plan with Joyent which gives me over 20GB of online storage which I access using a secure client from

You'll want to keep this offsite storage backed up with ANYTHING on your mobile setup that would be impossible to replace if your mobile office was lost or stolen. An option to paid storage, as we'll see in the next section, is your Gmail account, which allows you 7 GB of online storage at no charge.

Jott is great. You sign up, get a toll free number, program it as the "1" key on your phone and you're ready. Ready for what? Call the 800 number and press 1 to Jott yourself. Leave up to a 15-second message and Jott will transcribe it and email it to you in text form. You can also sign up other phone numbers and Jott other people or even groups of people. Great for broadcast messages to 1 or many. Great also for recording that next million-Dollar idea you get while you're driving. (Note: since originally writing this article, Jott has come out of 'beta' which means that some things that were free now cost a monthly fee. But the basic voice-to-text is still free.)


Do you Twitter ( )? Twitter differs from Jott in that you send a text message (up to 140 characters) to phone number 40404 and it appears in your Twitter page online.

I have a Twitter 'gadget' (more on gadgets later) on Google that displays my Tweets (as they're called) on my Google homepage. Some folks use Twitter to make mini-blog entries too.

5) Software

The bulk of this is absolutely free. SFTP Drive is the one exception.


People either love or hate Google. My concern is that I've moved so much of my work into this workspace called the Google Desktop that if Google dies I'll be in real trouble. However, as with so many of these items, Google had provided a local backup option which we'll talk about later.


When I first created a Gmail account I didn't think I'd use it much. I mainly signed up so I could use Gtalk - Google's IM client. But then I began to find it easier to use my Gmail adDress to fill out forms. THEN I found out that my Outlook didn't work well in some hotels. I could receive email but not send. Gmail sends and receives from any browser on any machine.

I began using Gmail more and more as it is browser-based and I could get to it practically anywhere. You can also use Google search on your emails so finding 'stuff' quickly is easy.


As I stated, Gtalk is Google's IM client. I don't chat much but keeping a few close contacts has been immensely helpful. If you do a lot of Instant Messaging, you may need a multi-site client like Pidgin ( ) that lets you access different services such as AIM.


Google Documents has turned into a real boon. It has the ability to upload and open Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Two key points - again the main one is that you can get to your documents from any computer. But secondly, you can easily collaborate on a document or spreadsheet with simple 'sharing' on the site. You can share a single document or an enTire folder of documents. Great for collaboration, you can create word processing documents, spreadsheets and presentations.


I'm not a Digg or Delicious user (for storing bookmarked websites) so I use the Google toolbar (which is installed in your browser when you sign up for a Google account) to grab bookmarks easily and quickly. Clicking the blue star in the Google Toolbar files the site in the Google Notebook under "unfiled sites". Again - it doesn't matter what computer I'm on. All my bookmarks are available.


G-space is a Firefox Plugin that puts a file explorer window in your browser. You may not know that a free Google account comes with 7 GB of storage. While that's not a huge amount for music or video, it's more than enough to back up documents or files that, again, you may need from more than one location.

You can use G-space to easily upload multiple documents to your Google account. Lose your laptop? No problem; you have a thumb drive, right? Lose your briefcase and you may be in trouble. Store your proposals and PowerPoint using G-space? Never lose a file again.


Google Calendar isn't that sexy, but it is very functional. With the ability to share a calendar you can use it for collaboration easily. It's extremely easy to use and, again, you can share a calendar with an assistant, work group or family so everyone can access the same calendar.


A free add-on for your Windows smartphone, GooSync updates your phone's calendar from your Google Calendar. It's bi-directional and very easy to use. You never have to double enter an appointment - enter it once in Google Calendar and run GooSync.

SFTP Drive

SFTP Drive provides a secure login to external servers - that being your offsite storage other than your Google account. If you work via FTP (file transfer protocol) and are a Windows worker, SFTP Drive displays your server as another drive on your My Computer and allows you to drag and drop files. I use in conjunction with my Joyent account to back up important files.

6) Optional items for your mobile office

These items are 'helpful' but not absolutely necessary.

Audible Account is the premier site for audio books and other audio material. Audible comes with it's own smartphone application so you don't need an MP3 player to listen to your favorite authors. Audible is a purchased service.

External CD/DVD

With an external hard drive, I have not found an external CD/DVD player/burner necessary - yet. If you burn CDs or want to view DVDs you may need one. Some Sony UMPCs still fit a DVD drive into the PC itself.

Moleskin or writing pad

(Sigh) There still MIGHT be times when you need to write something down. A small pad (often called a moleskin) can be tossed into the bag and doesn't add much bulk. I use a small notebook from Miquelrius which opens fully without breaking at the spine.

Digital pen

I haven't tried this yet but I'd like to replace the moleskin with one of the several digital pens available. Basically they 'Watch' as you write and store the information digitally. Some of them will even perform handwriting recognition on your scratches and turn them into text. But you can also save that million-Dollar doodle electronically.

Portable printer

Again, I haven't needed this yet, but if you're an insurance agent or Realtor, you may need to print paper. I have used the Canon I-90, which is small, lightweight and prints in color.

Bluetooth mouse

Since the Fujitsu 1610 is a touch screen, it comes with a built-in stylus. But if you are 'mouse dependent', a Bluetooth mouse gives you a wireless solution. I use the Kensington Pilot Mouse.

Bluetooth keyboard

This is another one I haven't tried yet but am considering. A Bluetooth keyboard folds up small and communicates with the computer via a Bluetooth (wireless) connection. Surprisingly this isn't for the PC but for the Treo Smartphone. Since you have a mobile version of Word, you can open a document on your phone and use a fold up Bluetooth keyboard to type longer documents without cranking up the PC.

7) Conclusion

There are probably hundreds of variations on this theme. I don't claim this is perfect but it does allow me to do ANYTHING I can do in my office anywhere I go.

Shrink Your Technology - How to Work Anywhere, Anytime Out of a Backpack

Friday, August 10, 2012

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

If you've already read part one of this article, "Unique Gift Ideas for the New Homeowner - The Sensible Sort," you'll have seen some very out of the ordinary gift ideas. All are perfectly practical, yet different enough to elicit a happy and surprised response. But if you'd really like to take your Christmas shopping up a notch, come along as we take a look at a few non-essential essentials for the new homebuyer.

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

So, you know someone who has recently purchased a home, and you're thinking about getting them a little something for their new place. Why bother with the same old, same old, when you can get something that screams luxury, and has a touch of eccentricity mixed in for good measure.

If you think that your friend's new home is a bit small and could use an extra room, why not get them one? The Cloud is a portable nylon room that self-inflates using a fan. The Cloud can house about six adults without claustrophobia setting in, and provides a great space for relaxing and brainstorming. It does indeed look like a cloud, and would be perfect in a loft or house with modern decor. Otherwise it would just look Silly.

Another item that's a must-have as winter approaches is the Portable Hockey Rink. There are various sizes available, and they're a breeze to set up. Just lay the rink liner out, fill with two inches of water, and wait for Jack Frost to drop by. Voila! Instant hockey rink. A vinyl liner keeps your grass safe, and the rink's border ensures that when the ice melts, you won't have a flood in your backyard. Keep in mind however, that this rink only works if you live in an area that's cold enough to accommodate it.

Did the person on your list just a buy a home in a warmer clime? Don't worry because there are plenty of gift ideas that are on par with the backyard skating rink, but are meant for summertime fun.

If your friend has a pool in their backyard, there are tons of surprising accessories out there. Ever go swimming and find yourself wishing you could crank your iPod from in the water? Now there's a floating Water Resistant iPod System that can play your favorite tunes while you relax in the pool or bathtub. Not only does this stereo system float, but it also shuts off automatically when the surrounding environMent has been quiet for over two minutes; there's no energy waste with this system

Surpassing even a waterproof stereo system, in terms of extravagance, is the Motorized Pool Lounger. No more tiring workouts paddling from one end of the pool to the other. Now you can simply power up and go! There is a built-in cup holder, two quiet propellers, and navigation controls that resemble arcade joysticks. In the product description, the company rightfully asks "Why just float when you can drive?"

When your friend is Tired of motoring around her new swimming pool, she may have a hankering to play billiards. What's a girl to do? Bust out the Waterproof Pool Table of course! These all-weather billiard tables can be custom installed directly in your swimming pool, and run upwards of ,500.

What could make a sweeter gift for a new homeowner than to give them a skylight in any room they wanted? With the SkyV HD Virtual Skylight, you can give your friend a realistic looking skylight that is actually a high definition Lcd screen. Featuring animated birds, clouds, and any number of natural scenes, the SkyV HD Virtual Skylight allows you to gaze at the stars any time you want.

To help your friend decorate his new abode, consider getting him a complete aquarium set that's both functional and unexpected. There are aquarium sinks and tables available, which allow you to have a window to the marine world, right in your bathroom sink or nightstand. Why settle for porcelain fixtures when you can have colorful Fish swimming underneath you as you brush your teeth?

For fire lovers, there are now Flametop Tables on the market, which produce a small ethanol flame from the center of the table. This kind of fire doesn't smell or smoke, and dousing the flames is as easy as placing a cover on top. Beyond sophisticated, these tables will definitely make an impression at your friend's housewarming Party.

Extraordinary Gifts For the New Homeowner

Monday, July 2, 2012

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

If you are Tired of having your essential gadgets litter everywhere in your car then you need a car mount, car holder or car integration kit. Here, I will introduce you to two simple but powerful solutions.

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

About Dashmount Brackets

Dashmount Brackets are easy-fit mounting solutions enabling damage free installation of iPod cradles (active cradles, passive cradles), mobile phone car kit cradles and other portable devices offering a complete, safe and professional installation.

Dashmount Brackets are damage-free vehicle specific mounting brackets made for your particular car make and model. This ensures a perfect fit. They install in minutes without any drilling or gluing. They protect your dashproviding a quick, easy and secure installation giving an integrated look with your car dash and interior. Detailed installation instructions are usually included with each bracket.

About Brodit ProClip Brackets

They are different from Dashmount Brackets in that they are made from a robust metal. Brodit ProClip Brackets are made from a robust black plastic. That's the only difference between the two types of mounting brackets.

If you prefer robust plastic, then go for the Brodit ProClip Brackets. Choose the Dashmount Brackets if you prefer robust metal. Whichever you choose, you special gadgets will no longer be lying around in your car.

Two Damage-free Mounting Solutions For Your iPod

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

I work hands on in the construction industry and related fields. I faced a predicaMent about a year ago when I gave into the iPhone hype. I knew that there was no way I could afford to replace my new little toy if I were to break it so I did a little research on the different types of cases that were available. I finally settled on an OtterBox Defender series case. It turned out to be a pretty good decision.

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

My work frequently takes me to construction sites, sea ports, marinas and other harsh working environMents. This has been the cause of a lot of broken cell phones in the past for me. I am constantly dropping, crushing, and exposing my phone to wet environMents. This almost prevented me from buying an iPhone in the first place but in the end I couldn't resist.

THEused the phone without a case for about a week before deciding on which one to get. During this time I was forced to use my phone with wet or sweaty hands on a number of occasions and found that the touchscreen did not like this. There were a few times when I couldn't even answer a call. This had me very worried that I had purchased a phone that just wasn't practical for use at work. I was pleased to find that the OtterBox case solved this problem immediately. No more missed calls due to waterlogged hands or sweat.

One incident in which this case really impressed me is when I was working on top of a building in New York. I dropped my phone one and a half stories onto metal grating. I was sure my phone was trashed but when I climbed down to pick it up it was completely unharmed andthe houses barely had a scratch on it. The thing had paid for itself right then and there! I don't think any other iPhone case would have been able to take that kind of licking without damaging the phone inside.

After about a year of relentless abuse the case did finally give. It developed some cracks and the silicone outer shell began to tear. This gave me a great opportunity to test out the lifetime warranty offered by the company. A quick email resulted in a brand new homes arriving on my doorstep within a few days.

Tough iPhone 3 g Case For Construction Workers

Friday, April 27, 2012

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

Nowadays almost everybody is using an iPod and not surprisingly, hence, iPod car accessories have become extremely popular. These gadgets serves as utility devices and bring in huge value at very affordable prices. Having these accessory kits in the car makes you all the more pleasant journeys, and particularly if you're making a long journey you must make sure that you're taking these necessary gadgets with you. These gadgets are extremely versatile, the market is flush with different types of iPod car kits, and accessories and you are sure to find something depending on your requireMent. Here are a few different types of iPod accessories for your car:

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado iPod Car Accessories-A Must Have For The Music Aficionado

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life

There's an ongoing debate between iPhone users and Blackberry users (Android and other smartphones are jumping on board too) about which mobile device is the best. I am not here to try and convince you one way or the other; I am simply typing this blog post on my iPhone to let you know that if you do end up buying an iPhone, it will be one of the smartest moves you ever make in your life. Simply put, the iPhone is the coolest and most practical device I have ever used in my life.

No matter what your needs are, the iPhone will satisfy them. It will also do so very, very well.

Let's start with the basic necessities: phone: check, good Speakerphone: check, email: check, browsing: check. Great, we've got all the basics covered, and to be honest with you each of them will exceed your expectations. The Speakerphone is crisp, the email is excellent and supports Microsoft Exchange server e-mail and the version of Safari the phone comes with is very good (you can also install other browsers as well such as the brilliant "Perfect Browser" app).

So what is it that truly differentiates the iPhone from the other smartphones out there? For starters, its touch screen is far and away the best available. Apple has mastered the multi touch technology where you can zoom in by pinching your fingers together and zoom out by pushing them outwards. The screen is also super crisp and offers a much larger viewing area than the Blackberry. It's absolutely gorgeous for surfing the web and Watching movies.

The other thing that sets the iPhone apart is the fact that you get a full blown iPod which is arguably the best mobile music player available.

So at this point you're already ahead of the game with an outstanding phone coupled with the best screen and music player. Most people would already realize that the iPhone is going to provide you with an incredible experience, but there's one thing that outweighs all of the above, and truly differentiates the iPhone from its peers: I'm talking about Apple's App Store. With over 150000 apps available and growing daily, the App Store can transform your iPhone into just about anything you can possibly want.

Apple completely dominates this market and since the marketplace has such a captivated audience, the best developers and companies are targeting it ahead of the other marketplaces and so the dominance grows from strength to strength. The device itself is also about as cool as can possibly be.

Whether you want to run a business, play games, read the news, Watch movies or simply listen to music and make some calls, the iPhone will literally change your life and you'll have a great time while using it.

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life